Nirmata Tag

Towards CVE-Free Images

This blog post was co-authored by Suhas Gumma and Harshit Raj.  Introduction The acronym CVE stands for “Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures,” a publicly known information security vulnerabilities and exposures database. Each entry in the CVE dictionary identifies a unique vulnerability or exposure and includes critical…

2022 Nirmata growth press release 1

Nirmata Achieves Significant Growth led by Customer Wins, Partner Ecosystem and Record-Breaking Adoption of the Open-Source Project Kyverno, with over 200M Downloads 

Nirmata, the software solutions provider for policy-based security and automation of Kubernetes workloads and clusters, and creators of Kyverno, the leading policy engine designed for Kubernetes, today announced it has achieved significant milestones and is building upon its Q1 momentum, including new customer wins like…